August 13, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

Does Jeremy Renner do Jason Bourne Justice? 

When I first heard that another Bourne movie was coming out, I got really pumped. The Bourne trilogy was and still is my favorite action thriller of all time. Matt Damon was borderline flat out perfect, and everyone fell in love with him. I realized it was NOT Matt Damon, and I got really upset because I thought it was a reboot. This is not true. The Bourne Legacy merely takes what Matt Damon created, and expanded the universe. It reveals the secrets we never knew, and adds a whole new level of depth to the series. And it does a masterful job at just that. 

Jeremy Renner does not play Jason Bourne. He plays a new character named Aaron Cross, another experiment by the CIA built to kill. Aaron however is a new breed of Jason Bourne. He works for a new organization, Outcome. Outcome has come up with new pills to enhance their agents. Green pill for physical needs. Blue pill for mental needs, making Aaron Cross Faster Stronger and more efficient than prior Tread Stone and Black Brier agents. The movie is set when Aaron realizes the agency he is working for is trying to kill him. He's running out of pills, and needs the help of a Doctor to retrieve more. 

The Bourne movies gave us a reason to root for Jason Bourne. He is so vulnerable, and he wants to find out who he is just as much as we do, and we desperately want him to win. Aaron Cross is a different story however. He never lost his memory. He's a super soldier. And the overall motive is so he can survive for himself, and it is not as rewarding.  Now, with this being said, Jeremy Renner is an incredible actor, and for what Aaron Cross is, really succeeds in bringing him to life. The ending was a little abrupt, and I felt as if they left a lot of things unexplained. Now this could mean they intend to make another soon, and satisfy those answers, but we don't know for sure. 

Overall The Bourne Legacy takes some bold risks in the series, and it pays off, and I congratulate them for it.  

I give Bourne an 9.0 

August 07, 2012

Total Recall Totally Suck?

Suspense movies make it big, because they get the audience trying to figure out the answers to the questions, instead of just waiting for an answer. Total Recall does this pretty well, and I really wanted to find out the answers. However once they were reveled to me, it wasn't rewarding, and the climax altogether was missing a bunch of pieces.

Recall is placed in a post/pre apocalyptic world, where there only two livable cities left after the war: The Colony and The Federal State. The movie follows Dougles Quaid, a factory worker on robots; the average joe. He keeps having unnerving nightmares about being a secrete agent, and when a trip to recall ends in disaster, finds out he actually is not only a secret agent, but the best of the best. The plot is familiar, Bourne movies, Inception, and a few others, but the movie as a whole is original, and succeeds well throughout. I must say that the way they tell the story was a little disappointing. Once you think you've gotten close to figuring it out, and the suspense builds up when the characters act like they are about to revel all the secrets, your rushed right back into another shoot out with robo-cops, and its actually really frustrating.

Acting is great, action is marvelous and they bring new ideas to the future. I never saw the original Recall, but I know I liked this one. The ending was less than a rewarding climax, but on account of the entire 2 hours I can say I actually enjoyed the plot and future time setting, with robots and hover cars racing through the city streets. For some who have seen the original, this new update may be less than expected, but that is expected. For everyone else who wants to fill their action hunger, Total Recall may be a good Choice.

I'm going to give Total Recall an 8 out of 10

July 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Review

      The sequel to Christopher Nolan's epic does not disappoint.  Every second of the insanely long 161 minutes is a thrill ride sure to make the books. If you haven't seen the first two, I highly encourage it, with many references to them, and the story doesn't fit into place right if you haven't. The Dark Knight continues to awe us with special effects and raw action. But this time around the story is really why TDKR takes the throne for best Batman movie ever. Never in a movie had I really cared about the villain, and the emotion between Alfred and Bruce Wayne completely caught me off guard. I never thought Batman's world could be brought to a higher scale after The Dark Knight. Well, I was wrong. The Dark Knight Rises blows every other super hero movie out of the water. Yes the movie is long, but for people who think it will just drag on, their wrong. The longer the better, I say. It just keeps getting bigger and a deeper story. This movie will go down in history as " The Greatest Batman Movie Ever"

I give Batman an 9.5/10

July 08, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man

       When I first heard that another Spider Man movie was coming out, I thought it was going to be a fourth addition to the original. When I later learned that Directer Wes Anderson was re-imagining a movie that followed the comics more closely, I got really excited. Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) express what I really wanted from a Spider Man film. The chemistry is perfect, and the smile Gwen gave the camera at the end gave me goose bumps. I really enjoyed living Peter's life with him. His skater swag, the way he stands up to bullies, it just got me pumped! All the action is fine and dandy, the Crocs CGI could be better, but the real soul of the movie lies with Peter and his family, Gwen Stacy, and the tension when Peter and Mr Stacy (the head of the NYPD) are in the room.  The story follows the comics a little more to my liking, but also has its own twist and could be strange for new people to the genre.
Overall this new take on the Web Slinger really sparked my interest, and I am already longing for a sequel.
I give Spidey an 9/10

May 30, 2012

Men in Black 3 Review

        MIB (or Men in Black) has always been a comedy that pushes the limits of its hysteria. Aliens are real, they live in secret here on earth, and there is a secret government agency called the Men in Black. Will Smith is a natural at comedy, and MIB brings out the best of him. MIB 3 has some more twists about aliens here on earth and will get you laughing about how far they really went with this movie. Basic story line, Boris the Animal was locked away in prison 40 years ago by agent K. He escaped out of prison, stole a time travel device, and killed agent K before he could be thrown in prison. Agent J (Will Smith) now has go back in time to save agent K, and save the entire planet from an alien invasion. If you like to see bugs crawling through aliens hands, and beautiful stunts and effects, all at the same time laughing at their rare humor, then you will enjoy this film.

I give MIB 3 an 8/10

May 17, 2012

Marvel: The Avengers Review

         Marvel has had some stinkers, and some successes. Thor was a little over the top dramatic, and Captain America took itself too seriously. With all the hype for The Avengers the past several months, I wasn't sure what to expect. I went to the mid-night premier, and it was astonishing. I feel almost sorry for the people who didn't have the chance to enjoy that kind of atmosphere. From die hard nerds shrieking when their favorite character came on the screen, to missing almost 10 minutes of dialogue due to laughter. The conversations with the actors were just as good as the hard core fight scenes with Thor and The Hulk throwing each other through walls. Jokes were surprising, effects were breathtaking, and the mid-night experience was worth while. If you didn't like the previous Marvel movies with the super heroes in there own movies, you should still see The Avengers. They took themselves less seriously, and the whole experience was a lot of fun.

I rate it a 9/10

January 20, 2012

Mission Impossible, Ghost Protocol Review

        Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. The 4th movie in the series. If you have seen the rest, and started at the beginning, then you have probably noticed they have kept getting better, and better. Well that stops with number four. Don't get me wrong, it was a fantastic thriller, and Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) was as thrilling as ever, but he didn't quite live up to the previous one. Starting with the same old plot after the next, Ethan's running after somebody and from somebody, in an attempt to save some part of the world, from some terrorist   or other. They added some effects, and new technology was showcased, honestly the whole movie was some kind of teaser for scientists to get new ideas. Great acting, fun plot, the movie over all does not disappoint, it just lacks "NEW".

I give this movie an 8/10.