May 17, 2012

Marvel: The Avengers Review

         Marvel has had some stinkers, and some successes. Thor was a little over the top dramatic, and Captain America took itself too seriously. With all the hype for The Avengers the past several months, I wasn't sure what to expect. I went to the mid-night premier, and it was astonishing. I feel almost sorry for the people who didn't have the chance to enjoy that kind of atmosphere. From die hard nerds shrieking when their favorite character came on the screen, to missing almost 10 minutes of dialogue due to laughter. The conversations with the actors were just as good as the hard core fight scenes with Thor and The Hulk throwing each other through walls. Jokes were surprising, effects were breathtaking, and the mid-night experience was worth while. If you didn't like the previous Marvel movies with the super heroes in there own movies, you should still see The Avengers. They took themselves less seriously, and the whole experience was a lot of fun.

I rate it a 9/10

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