May 30, 2012

Men in Black 3 Review

        MIB (or Men in Black) has always been a comedy that pushes the limits of its hysteria. Aliens are real, they live in secret here on earth, and there is a secret government agency called the Men in Black. Will Smith is a natural at comedy, and MIB brings out the best of him. MIB 3 has some more twists about aliens here on earth and will get you laughing about how far they really went with this movie. Basic story line, Boris the Animal was locked away in prison 40 years ago by agent K. He escaped out of prison, stole a time travel device, and killed agent K before he could be thrown in prison. Agent J (Will Smith) now has go back in time to save agent K, and save the entire planet from an alien invasion. If you like to see bugs crawling through aliens hands, and beautiful stunts and effects, all at the same time laughing at their rare humor, then you will enjoy this film.

I give MIB 3 an 8/10

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