August 07, 2012

Total Recall Totally Suck?

Suspense movies make it big, because they get the audience trying to figure out the answers to the questions, instead of just waiting for an answer. Total Recall does this pretty well, and I really wanted to find out the answers. However once they were reveled to me, it wasn't rewarding, and the climax altogether was missing a bunch of pieces.

Recall is placed in a post/pre apocalyptic world, where there only two livable cities left after the war: The Colony and The Federal State. The movie follows Dougles Quaid, a factory worker on robots; the average joe. He keeps having unnerving nightmares about being a secrete agent, and when a trip to recall ends in disaster, finds out he actually is not only a secret agent, but the best of the best. The plot is familiar, Bourne movies, Inception, and a few others, but the movie as a whole is original, and succeeds well throughout. I must say that the way they tell the story was a little disappointing. Once you think you've gotten close to figuring it out, and the suspense builds up when the characters act like they are about to revel all the secrets, your rushed right back into another shoot out with robo-cops, and its actually really frustrating.

Acting is great, action is marvelous and they bring new ideas to the future. I never saw the original Recall, but I know I liked this one. The ending was less than a rewarding climax, but on account of the entire 2 hours I can say I actually enjoyed the plot and future time setting, with robots and hover cars racing through the city streets. For some who have seen the original, this new update may be less than expected, but that is expected. For everyone else who wants to fill their action hunger, Total Recall may be a good Choice.

I'm going to give Total Recall an 8 out of 10

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